Sunday 29 March - Shelduck 14 on main pool, Northern Wheatear 1 female, Sand Martin 8, Swallow 5+, Moorhen 2, Little Grebe 1 on main pool (Tim Twiggs)
Monday 30th March - 2 Swallows this afternoon, hawking over the big pool with at least 12 Sand Martins. My first for the year here. 6 Sandwich Terns flying past the mouth of the Red River (D.Jenkins)
Tuesday 31st March - (PM) - 40+ House Martins, Swallow, Chiffchaff, 4 Shelduck, 2 Mallard, Little Grebe, Herring Gull, Buzzard, Meadow Pipit, Dunnock, Blackbird, Robin, Wren, Goldfinch and 8 Magpies. (Chris Yates)